Sunday, June 26, 2016


The tool I chose for my infographic was Venngage. This infographic informs the user about four (4) free tools they can use to replace Microsoft Office tools. Each tool is briefly explained and the user is provided a link to the tool for easy reference. Also, each section contains similar graphics to help lead the user through the material.

Monday, June 6, 2016

The Business of RSS Feeds

A picture of a computer keyboard.
RSS Feeds help to provide curated resources for our students.
Welcome to Tim Burr’s Breaking Out of the PD Mold. . .

Inspired by the zombie-like nature of his traditional professional development experiences, Tim developed a serum rid the world of boring PD and welcome a new era of innovation and exploration in education across Tennessee and yes, around the world!  However, like most hero’s, Tim has a nemesis - the makers of worksheets and Powerpoint templates have gotten wind of Tim’s endeavors, have kidnapped him, and are plotting to put a stop to this new wave of PD training. They plan to unleash a zombie serum that will forever ensure that PD sessions remain boring and uninspiring - focusing on their beloved worksheets and Powerpoint presentations! Thankfully, we got wind of their dastardly plot. We know that the serum antidote is right here in this classroom, in that large black box. It is however, tightly protected by a series of puzzles created by Tim’s adversaries to thwart your finding a way to unlock the box. The clues to open these locks are hidden around this campus. You will have to work together with different types of technology to solve the puzzles. You can get up to two hints emailed to you to help you on your quest. You can do it!
You will receive an email with instruction on how to begin helping us save Tim. The instructions will help lead you to solve the puzzles.  You have 45 minutes to find the antidote and save teacher PD forever! If you fail, well failure is not an option!

You begin, NOW.

Hello ETEC 586!

I received my B.S. in Communications and M.S. in Instructional Technology and Educational Studies and Ed.S. in Teacher Education from the University of Tennessee. I am currently an adjunct lecturer for the College of Education.

I will begin my my 9th year as a Pre-K-8 technology teacher. She is passionate about educating teachers and other education specialists on meaningful ways to integrate technology into their curriculum. She is very interested in using Blended learning techniques, multimedia and gamification in K-12 classrooms. She has presented numerous regional conferences on using coding, Google Apps, augmented reality and other types of technology in your classroom.

Motto: Begin with the end clearly defined! 

In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my husband and 12 year-old son. I also like to garden, cook and travel.

Favorite Quote:
"We are preparing students for a world we cannot imagine" - David Warlick (slightly paraphrased)